
Ok, I need to start somehow…Of course it's all about diet, or mostly about healthy and calorie less food. I like to share own created recipes, giving ideas for low calorie and mostly vegetarian foods. I am going to post my daily dishes, describing how I made them, how may calories they are and something about the budget.
That blog is a non-official site for everybody who try to change to a healthier, but not distressed lifestyle.
A bit more about me: I am pretty picky on food, I don't really like meat, but I like sweets and like drinking nice beer, ale or wine. I really like all vegetables and always tried to make sure, that my food is as healthy as possible. And I know, my huge enemy are carbohydrates - such an ordinary woman…:)
So compare to all of that I keep an eye on my daily calories and exercises. I am using an application for counting calories (1200\day) and my own rules are: eating fruits till midday - nothing else, not eating any bread, pasta, pizza, etc (all good stuff:)) and avoiding sugar.
So if you still interested, follow my recipes and don't be shy to share yours, or comment on my notes.


Zucchini stew

It was a long, peaceful weekend, I spent my time at home, half working, half housekeeping. I didn't want to spend to much time on cooking especially I was on my own, my man has been out of the city. (He said he finally had some nice food, lots of meat and chocolate...:)) Anyway I went shopping on Friday and thinking about what I should choose to make food for 3 days just for myself. (That is really hard for me, to cook only for one...I am always over the limit and at the end I need to threw out rest of the food.) So made a decision to cook zucchini stew, which is one of my old special from my teenage, when I couldn't cook so many dishes but I was seriously vegetarian. It so variable, you can add some more veggies to it, can mix-match with rice or bulgur wheat, couscous, with or without tomato sauce, parmesan etc...Let's see my version from Friday.

calories: 250
time: 20 mins, budget £2

1 and a half courgettes (zucchini)
chopped white onion
spoon of olive oil
fresh basil
150 g tomato sauce (used Lloyd Grossman, Tomato and Basil)
garlic (as you like it)
half cup of brown rice (or any which you like: bulgur, cous-cous...)

First of all boil the water for your rice, it is the longest part. While you boiling the rice, you can get ready the rest of your food. Fry the onion on olive oil in a pan, add some water, salt and the chopped zucchini. Let it boil till the zucchini getting half soft. Add the tomato sauce, garlic and the fresh basil. Boil them together till getting soft. You can add the rice to the pan and heat them up together or just put the rice on your plate and top with your stew.

I recommend if you counting calories very seriously,  you should add the side dish separately to the stew. The stew is 170 calories.

Nearly that's it - just a spoonful of health. Enjoy!

Sunday I had the same with bulgur and I added some mushroom as well.

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